You can cancel any booking through us free of charge up to 24 hours before rental.
To cancel, simply let our service team know within our opening hours.
Before you start your journey, it's important to familiarise yourself with some crucial differences between UK and French driving rules.
Given the region's varying landscapes, an SUV or a vehicle with higher clearance might be your best bet for a comfortable journey. Smaller cars, on the other hand, might be more convenient for navigating the narrow, winding lanes of the region's historic towns and cities.
The cities of Lille, Amiens and Arras form the golden triangle of the Hauts-de-France. Each city houses a wealth of historical sites and is worth setting aside at least a day for exploring.
The region's coastline offers exhilarating windsurfing opportunities. For wildlife enthusiasts, the Somme estuary is the place to be. And for those who love hiking, the French-Flemish border is a not-to-be-missed scenic route.
The Hauts-de-France region has a temperate climate, similar to that of the southern UK. Winters are chilly with possible snowfall, while summers are mild and perfect for outdoor activities.
From the poignant traces of the world wars to the stunning landscapes and the unique blend of French and Flemish cultures, exploring Hauts-de-France by car is an experience in and of itself. Start your engine and get ready for the trip of a lifetime!
Book a hired car for a week
A hired car is available in Hauts-de-France from as little as 293 £ per week. It is suitable to hire from your first day of travel to be flexible on the spot immediately.
Book a hired car for a day
For a day trip to the surrounding area, you can also book a hired car for one day. This is available from 42 £ per day.
Our tips for the return in Hauts-en-France
To make returning your vehicle easier and less complicated, keep the following things in mind:
The return of the hired car can also be done easily outside the opening hours. Leave the vehicle keys in the safe provided for this purpose.
Travelling with a second driver - what you need to consider
If you want to visit France with your partner, family or friends, you can register a second driver with the car hire company. The same requirements apply to this driver as to the main driver.
Take turns while driving through Hauts-de-France and reach your destinations safely and quickly.
Currently BSP Auto ist the cheapest car hire in Hauts-de-France. In addition to the price, the following options speak for a good car hire offer:
Many of these options are included in our service packages, which you can compare on our website.